As the calendar creeps into June, your whole routine changes. You have to force your feet over the edge of the bed to stand in the colder temperatures. Instead of a cup of tea as you wander through the garden, you’re huddled over it, cupping that mug as though it was your lifeblood. Dressing for the office always requires an extra layer – a thick, woolen one if you can get away with it. And that’s all before eight in the morning.
When your routine changes according to the seasons, you should start thinking about caring for your skin and hair differently too. Chances are you’ve already bought a bottle of heavy lotion to hold your skin’s moisture, and you should take similar steps to protect your hair.
But What If You Have Extensions?
Hair extensions are an investment. They’re not just something you did on a whim (hopefully that logic follows through to tattoos and adopting pets as well). You want to be sure you care for your extensions because it’s not a process or expense you wish to repeat too often.
So, do extensions need different care than the hair growing out of your scalp?
Not really. But, we’d like to qualify that. For a start, winter hair has different needs. It has to do with the drying effects of the air around you. And before you point out that you live at the coast, not in the Highveld, we have news for you. Heating a room sucks the moisture out of it. Whether you stay warm by closing the windows, switching on an electric or gas heater or you light wood in the fireplace, you are drying out that room.
And your hair – the stuff growing from your scalp or the human hair extensions you invested in requires moisture to look and be healthy. If you’re taking the humidity out of the environment, you need to provide it in other ways. While upping your water intake will work to some extent on your natural hair, it does nothing for your hair extensions.
In addition to the winter hair care tips we provided in a previous post, you will want to take a few extra steps. Invest in super high-quality shampoos and conditioners. Look for something that locks in moisture and holds the oils at a healthy level. (Your hair stylist is probably chomping at the bit to suggest and sell you these products – you’re not likely to find them at the grocery store.)
Try to avoid wearing wool and materials that cause a lot of friction as these will damage your ends. And, when you notice split ends or excessive knotting, chat to your hair stylist – it’s likely you’ll need a trim before you experience further damage to your hair extensions.
But, Don’t Take Out Your Extensions
Fuller, thicker hair is a big yes in winter. Realistically, they don’t require any serious additional care compared to your natural hair. And, they are an investment in yourself and the way you feel. That’s true even when you don’t want to get out of bed in the morning. Promise.